A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.... Proverbs 22:1

Sign and lighting service is our specialty. Lighting of Georgia provides maintenance and installation for interior and exterior signs, lighting, LED, and neon. We offer new installations, change-outs, lighting upgrades, and energy-saving retrofits. We can even help you get the permits necessary for your job. From tracing underground electrical problems, to servicing high-rise signs and lighting up to 165 feet, we have the equipment to meet your needs. Since we maintain a large lighting supply warehouse with inventory in stock, we are able to provide a quick response to our customers. Our bucket trucks are cost-effective, and they carry the proper materials, which enables us to complete most service calls on the first trip.
All materials furnished by Lighting of Georgia are guaranteed against defects in materials or workmanship for a minimum of one year from date of installation.
We can work on an as-needed basis, or set up a lighting maintenance contract that is tailored to your requirements, and helps keep your budget in line. Maintenance contracts are an excellent way to insure continuous illumination for advertisement, as well as security. Lighting of Georgia provides interior and exterior sign and lighting maintenance contracts.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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